Welcome. We'd like to briefly introduce you to the IOL and then discuss the direction we'll be taking with this blog.
Broadly speaking, we are involved in testing several types of networking, storage, and telecom technologies, including Ethernet, Broadband, Core/Telco, Consumer Electronics, Data Storage and High-Performance Computing to cost effectively meet network interoperability and conformance requirements for the industry. We currently have over twenty active testing programs (which we call consortia), that continue to evolve to meet our industry's needs. Our ongoing experience in efficiently scheduling, performing, and delivering these testing programs allows our consortia member companies to focus on delivering their products to market.
Not only will our blog feature plenty of technical content covering the above areas, but hosting our own blog provides us with the opportunity to discuss a wide array of other topics, including our involvement with our students, the University, and our local community.
We anticipate that this will be a place where people can form a community to share insights, ask questions, and help each other with respect to the technologies we test here at the lab, and any topics related to those technology areas.
While you're here, please take a minute to poke around our site and become familiar with what we do. We look forward to getting underway.
Marc Sklar, Marketing and Communications Manager
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