New Hampshire Business Review Names The UNH -IOL "Best of Business 2017"

DURHAM, N.H., March 1, 2017 -- The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL),an independent provider of broad-based testing and standards conformance services for the networking industry, has been selected as a winner in NH Business Review’s 2017 BOB Awards, which honor the best of business in New Hampshire in over 90 categories. The UNH-IOL was honored in a statewide readers' survey in the Global Data Networking category.

All of the winners will be honored at an adventure and exploration-themed event, to be held from 5 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 2, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord.

"With 3,500 ballots cast for the 2017 Awards, the BOBs continue to be a considered a standard of excellence in New Hampshire’s business community," said Jeff Feingold, editor of NH Business Review. "This year, we’re celebrating the BOB’s with an exploration-themed party to honor New Hampshire’s adventurous and courageous businesswomen and men. Grab your binoculars and pith helmets and bring your team to the most talked about event of the season.”

The Best of Business Awards are presented by NH Business Review and are sponsored by Comcast Business Class, Bernstein Shur, 95.7 WZID, Tufts Freedom Health Plan, FairPoint Communications, AutoFair, Primmer Law, Cross Insurance, Waste Management and the Business & Industry Association of NH.

Cost to attend the BOB Awards is $30 per person through Feb. 19, and $35 per person thereafter. Group discounts are available for groups of 10+. Register at A portion of proceeds will benefit Child and Family Services of New Hampshire.

For more information about the event, contact Erica Baglieri, Events Manager for McLean Communications, at 603-413-5125 or

NH Business Review is a subsidiary of Yankee Publications and is part of the McLean Communications companies which includes New Hampshire Magazine, New Hampshire Home Magazine and Parenting New Hampshire.   

About the UNH-IOL

The UNH-IOL is dedicated to being the world's premier data networking resource. Beginning in 1988, the UNH-IOL has built a multimillion dollar testbed and developed testing solutions to help companies efficiently and cost effectively deliver products to market. UNH-IOL’s services fit the needs of the market, while maintaining broad, comprehensive interoperability and conformance testing of networking, data, telecommunications, and storage products. The industry relies on UNH-IOL’s extensive staff experience, standards-bodies participation, 28,000+ square foot facility, and 100+ students who represent the future interoperability testing and verification. | Twitter @UNH_IOL | Facebook @UNHIOL

LinkedIn @UNH InterOperability Lab | Instagram @unhiol


Organization Contact:
Mara Bernazzani, +1-603-862-0901
Communications Coordinator


During this application we will ask about your academic and work experience, and we'll also ask you some questions about your goals, interests, and why you want to participate in our internship program.

Information that you should have on hand before you start:

  • Your GPA
  • Classes you've taken in high school, with grades
  • Contact information for a previous employer (if you have prior work experience)
  • Contact information for two personal references

We've prepared a PDF preview of the application form with all of the questions and instructions: 2025 HighTech Bound Application Preview. Please note that we do not accept paper applications sent through the mail. The PDF version of the application is for reference only and the only way to apply for the HighTech Bound internship program is through this online form.

Please note: We are unable to offer UNH on-campus housing as part of the HighTech Bound program this year. 

Personal Information