The Open Networking Foundation and OpenSourceSDN.org are delighted to announce the dates of the 2016 ONF/OSSDN AppFest.The AppFest will be held May 16-20, 2016, at the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Lab (ONF membership is NOT required). The lab has played host to interop and testing events for over 25 years, and is proud to host our event in their brand-new facilities.
We will be creating a list of application developers, switch and controller vendors, industry luminaries, and other folks who will be attending.
Make your plans now to be a part of a fantastic event, hosting in the beautiful springtime beauty of New Hampshire, and join scores of companies, developers, and other OpenFlow and SDN experts to do performance benchmarking, application usability and testing, and OpenFlow conformance testing for an entire week. Lots of fun when we’re not working.
Preliminary discussions are underway to host an network operator/deployment training day for prospective network managers and engineers who are planning to deploy SDN. We think that the combination of network operators, SDN software developers, and ONF switch manufacturers and controller providers will create a powerful synergy for everyone.
A list serve has been created that anyone (you don’t have to be an ONF member) can join. Please route this invite to your developer friends. Cost to attend the event is free.
Please join appfest@community.OpenSourceSDN.org to stay on top of what will be a great leap forward in SDN testing and software development and you may Contact Us for more information.