USGv6-r1 Product Registry

Products in this registry have been tested against the technical requirements of the USGv6-r1 Profile (2020).

We offer ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing designed specifically for the USGv6 test program. The devices listed below indicate the specific product with their tested IPv6 capabilities and are listed at the request of the Company.  The included SDoC files and their contents are written and signed by the Company, and are included here as a convenience and do not represent the views of the UNH-IOL.

For more information, please refer to the IPv6 testing services.



Company Product Name Type Version Tested Hardware Software Test Suites SDoc
Gigamon Inc. Fabric Manager Host v6.5 GigaVUE-FM v6.5, v6.6, v6.7
  • Core Interoperability v1.4 (UNH-IOL/37363)
  • Core Conformance v1.4 (UNH-IOL/37362)
  • SLAAC Interoperability v1.4 (UNH-IOL/37363) * Notes
  • SLAAC Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/37362) * Notes
  • Addr Arch Interoperability v1.2 (UNH-IOL/37365)
  • Addr Arch Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/37364)
Gigamon Inc. GigaVUE HC Series, GigaVUE TA Series, G-TAP A Series 2 Host 6.4.00
  • GigaVUE-HC1
  • GigaVUE-HC2
  • GigaVUE-HC3
  • GigaVUE-HC1-Plus
  • GigaVUE-HCT
  • GigaVUE-TA25
  • GigaVUE-TA25E
  • GigaVUE-TA100
  • GigaVUE-TA200
  • GigaVUE-TA200E
  • GigaVUE-TA400
  • GTP-ATX21
  • GTP-ASF21
GigaVUE-OS version 6.4.00, GigaVUE-OS version 6.5.00, GigaVUE-OS version 6.6.00. GigaVUE-OS version 6.7.00
  • Core Interoperability v1.4 (UNH-IOL/37022)
  • Core Conformance v1.4 (UNH-IOL/37021)
  • SLAAC Interoperability v1.4 (UNH-IOL/37022) * Notes
  • SLAAC Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/37021) * Notes
  • Addr Arch Interoperability v1.2 (UNH-IOL/37024)
  • Addr Arch Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/37023)
Gigamon Inc. Fabric Manager Host GigaVUE-FM 6.2.00 GigaVUE-FM 6.2.00
  • Core Interoperability v1.4 (UNH-IOL/35888)
  • Core Conformance v1.4 (UNH-IOL/35887) * Notes
  • SLAAC Interoperability v1.4 (UNH-IOL/35888) * Notes
  • SLAAC Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/35887) * Notes
  • Addr Arch Interoperability v1.2 (UNH-IOL/35890)
  • Addr Arch Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/35889)
Gigamon Inc. GigaVUE HC Series, GigaVUE TA Series, G-TAP A Series 2 Host GigaVUE-OS version
  • GigaVUE-HC1
  • GigaVUE-HC2
  • GigaVUE-HC3
  • GigaVUE-HC1-Plus
  • GigaVUE-TA25
  • GigaVUE-TA25E
  • GigaVUE-TA100
  • GigaVUE-TA200
  • GigaVUE-TA200E
  • GigaVUE-TA400
  • GTP-ATX21
  • GTP-ASF21
GigaVUE-OS version, GigaVUE-OS version 6.1.00, GigaVUE-OS version 6.2.00
  • Core Interoperability v1.3 (UNH-IOL/35336)
  • Core Conformance v1.3 (UNH-IOL/35334)
  • SLAAC Interoperability v1.3 (UNH-IOL/35336) * Notes
  • SLAAC Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/35334) * Notes
  • Addr Arch Interoperability v1.2 (UNH-IOL/35337)
  • Addr Arch Conformance v1.2 (UNH-IOL/35335)